Hello Flower Tribe,
Happiness is a goal of many, but usually is expected under conditions. "I am happy when...." There are normally ideas connected to happiness. Therefore, happiness only exist within your life experience under those expected conditions. BUT, what if we could re-frame our minds into believing that happiness exist regardless of conditions? Is it possible to simply be happy period and then worry about the ideas/things/people/ that we want AFTER we have already tapped in a space of bliss?
The short answer is YES. But how is going to be dependent on the work that you're willing to commit yourself to. Here's how....
1. Stop focusing on what you don't want. It is easy to talk about the things that you do not want in your experience... how they make you feel... how they disrupt your life or limit you. On the other side of this truth are the things that you do want. This is where your work begins. In this particular blog, we are focusing on happiness. Therefore, it is essential that we do not spend time talking about the things that make us unhappy. INSTEAD we must change the conversation to seeking happiness and only discuss the ways we can be more connected to it.
2. Write down the word HAPPY. Of course, you're being taken to a journal experience. This is a good tool for law of attraction and the subconscious mind. Write the word, "happy" down a piece of paper. A blank piece of paper is best, but if that's not available use whatever you have. Try using a bold color. This will make it stand out in your mind more. In the same regard, circle the word a few times or make it bolder. We want it to be prominent in your mind.
3. Connect to the feeling of joy/happiness. Now it's time to go into meditation. Most ideal, is for you to sit down and practice full on meditation. Watching your breath and allowing yourself to escape from general thought. This of course may not be an option, so here is a suggestion for the busy mind. Stare at the word you wrote in step 2. Allow your attention to gravitate towards it. Then fold the piece of paper you've written on allow your mind to simply connect to the word wherever you are. You are attracting happiness and experiences related to this emotion.
4. Begin to write general ideas/things that are connected to your happiness daily. Now that you are focused on the idea of happiness, it is time to start connecting to general ideas of what makes you happy. Of course, you may be tempted to think about you having large sums of money or the perfect partnership. Those things undoubtedly make us feel good, but try to connect to general ideas where you can be free of needing anything from anyone outside of yourself and conditions that create resistance.Try focusing on simple things that you can connect to happiness. For instance, an ocean wave, a gentle rain, the sun shining, the smell of flowers.... it will not be hard to get your mind and then your emotions to connect to these ideas of happiness. From there you can flow into larger things that create happiness or are at the point of your desire.
The general point here, is to connect with the purity of happiness. This allows you to get into a a healthy mental space and also opens the door for your attract more abundant things.
You got this!;-) Happy Attracting!
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