How To Use the New Moon for Manifestation

New Moon...New Me!

Hello Flower Tribe,


Friday a new moon came forth bringing us the opportunity to set, intentions, manifest new ideas and tap into that energy. For our astrological queens, who are subscribed to this letter, you may have used the time to write those intentions, light a few candles and incorporate some type of goddess bath.


The new moon certainly is the perfect time for you to practice tapping into the magic of the universe, but what about the opportunities that are present to tap into the magic of you? The wonderful thing about baths is that they offer us an opportunity to connect with ourselves a little more deeply. 


Think about the healing properties of water. Water is is is fluid and connecting. 

In this intimate space, we can offer ourselves time to release and be one with ourselves and the water. The water connects with us in very physical and metaphysical ways. For some, this may be just showing up and creating time to be alone and comforted by the warmth of a bath. For others, setting the ambiance and connecting further might be what your body is truly craving.


Have you ever seen a bath that looks magical? One that is surrounded by candles or has flowers calmly floating on the water? Can you smell the aroma? What scents show up when you allow yourself to drift into that thought? Are there crystals in the water? Is there music playing?

All of the answers to your questions, are what I am encouraging you to incorporate into your next goddess bath. In ourfacebookgroup, we polled the women and some of you have requested support in creating this atmosphere. To learn more about how to create a goddess bath, click here.

Honor the new moon and call in your highest desires.



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