Hello Tribe,
You know who owns the power in your life? YOU! That's who! When you want things to manifest and come to fruition in your life, you must remember that the power behind the words is in you inner being. Now, the real trick, is in commanding your own energy and emotions to make things actually work for you. Do you know how to do that? I bet you already do, but let's discuss a few ways to make you feel more confident in you own abilities.
Before writing intentions it's always good to sit with yourself. By this I mean, meditate and get to become more familiar with your emotions, feelings and thoughts. After all, you cannot own anything without recognizing its existence.
Now it's time to tune in.... what are some things that you are feeling/ desiring? We want to put our feelings into what we do want not into what we don't want because we want to remember our power lies in you.
Let's get started....
Here's an example, you want more money or financial independence, but what you regularly say is " I am broke. I don't have the resources to buy the things I desire." You are repeating an affirmation, that is working against you.
Here's how we can revise it....
Think about you ultimate desire. I am sure it is not to see a depletion of you resources, but rather abundance. Try re-framing your conversation to look like more of what you want. Speak your truth, but start small, with stuff that actually feels realistic. For instance, " Things are always working out for me." or " I am able to buy the things that I want." Do you see how that feels different?
We affirm things all of the time, both things we do want and things that we do not want. In order to experience the fullness of life, we have to begin framing our words in a way that's advantageous for us. I know it's easy to get caught in a space of wanting to speak our truth or be honest about where we are, but truth and honesty are relative because in most statements the opposite of what you are speaking is also existent. Let's examine this statement a little further...
Your truth: My relationships are always failing. There are no good men out there. I am sick of love.
Reality: Things ending are not an example of failure. There are, in fact, good men everywhere. You want to love.
Affirmation: I am thankful for my ability to make good choices for my life. I am grateful that there are good men everywhere I go. I am excited to experience love that was uniquely and divinely created for me.
Do you see how that's different? You are still speaking your truth but you are shifting your focus. Your mind is now concentrated on abundance and possibility rather than lack and disappointment.
Truth is this may take some work, but you got this. You just have to begin to shift your mentality from speaking against yourself and affirming the life you ultimately desire.
Until next time, my blooming tribe,